What are your opening times?
We are open Monday – Friday, 7.30am – 6pm. We are closed Bank Holidays and finish for Christmas on the 23rd December and re-open on the first working day of the new year.
How can I visit Rainbow Day Nursery?
We do have an open door policy however, due to busier times at the nursery please telephone our Nursery Manager Alison, to arrange an appointment on 01925 756569 or submit an enquiry form.
When should I book a place for my child?
We recommend securing your place as soon as possible because we have restrictions on how many children we can accommodate in each phase group. Should you apply closer to your required start date, we may not have a vacancy for your child, though we do try our best to accommodate children.
How do I book a place for my child?
Once you have been to look round the nursery, we will send you a link to our online application form. Please complete it and send your deposit so that we can secure your child’s place. If for whatever reason you are unable to look round the nursery before you apply, please contact us and we will answer any questions you have.
Can my child visit the nursery prior to starting?
Yes, we offer settling in sessions individual to each child’s needs. Each child has an initial induction visit with a parent/carer or another familiar adult spending time in the room, meeting the practitioners in particular the key person, and sharing information. We then offer further settling in sessions where the child is welcome to stay for a short time including a meal. Please feel free to ring us at any point before your little one starts to discuss this.
We provide formula milk, but we ask that you supply bottles which can be kept at nursery and sterilised after each use or can be sent home each day. If a baby is continuing to be breast fed, we are more than happy for mum to send in breast milk or to come into Nursery to feed her baby if this convenient for her.
We provide nappies, sensitive wipes or water and cotton wool, if preferred, and nappy bags. Parents and Carers are welcome to bring their own wipes and creams if they have a preference. We also welcome terry nappies, which will be bagged up and returned to the Parent / Carer at the end of each day, to take home for washing.
Extra clothing
All babies and children require at least one change of clothes that are clearly labelled. This may be increased for babies or for children who are toilet training. Families with babies are also asked to supply an all-in-one suit for use when they sleep outside in the prams during the cooler months. All children go outside every day and are required to bring a warm clothing and suitable footwear.
Sun cream
We provide sun cream but if your child requires a particular brand, then please label it and bring it to nursery.
Comforters and medication:
Any comforters your child uses, any long-term medication needed, and an in date, sealed, prescribed bottle of Calpol can be brought into Nursery. Please make sure everything you bring in is clearly labelled and that all medicines are signed into Nursery by the Nursery Manager.
Do all staff hold relevant childcare qualifications?
We have a fully qualified team of childcare professionals, ranging from Level 2 to Early Years Teaching Status. All staff are encouraged to build on their studies, to support reflective practice and further their knowledge and understanding of child development and key current childcare topics.
Are all staff Enhanced DBS checked?
Yes. Every staff member is Enhanced DBS checked when they come to work with us. Whilst waiting for their Enhanced DBS certificate and undergoing their intense induction, a staff member will not be left alone with children or be able to carry out any intimate care routines.
Are your staff First Aid trained?
Yes, all our nursery practitioners are first aid trained and renew their qualifications every three years, with regular reminders at monthly staff meetings.
What are the staff to child ratios at Rainbow Day Nursery?
The ratios are outlined by Early Years Foundation Stage and are:
0-2 years – 1 adult : 3 children,
2-3 years – 1 adult : 4 children
Over 3 years – 1 adult : 8 children
Are the same staff based in each room to assist continuity?
Yes, each room has a room leader and a staff team. Most staff have a small group of key children, meaning they are responsible for their learning journeys and regularly planning for and assessing their development. We strive to keep the staff in each room as consistent as possible, especially when children are settling into nursery.
How will my child sleep at nursery and where?
Babies sleep in cots or prams in their room. This will be discussed with you during your little one’s settling in sessions. Older children in the Toddler Room and above will be offered a sleep mat in the allocated sleep room. Sleep arrangements are always discussed with you beforehand and individual cases are always taken into consideration.
How do staff get children to sleep?
Staff will discuss this with you and follow any routines from home, if this is more comforting for your little one, especially whilst settling. As children adapt to being at nursery, they will often fall asleep by themselves. Children may be comforted by a staff member rubbing their back or patting them softly.
Do children have their own bedding and how often is this washed?
Yes, children are allocated fresh bedding and it is regularly laundered as required.
My child has a set routine, how will this fit into nursery life?
When your little one starts with us, we will follow your home routine to help with their transition. After that each child is different and will adapt to the nursery routine in their own time.
Is the food cooked freshly on the nursery premises on a daily basis?
Yes. Our experienced and well qualified nursery cook prepare two meals a day for our children, following our seasonal, three weekly menus. We also offer a healthy breakfast and snack menu. All our meals include fresh ingredients, with no added salt or sugar. Fresh drinking water is constantly available. At meal times we offer a drink of water or milk.
What happens if my baby is not yet weaned when they start nursery?
When you and your little one come for their initial settling in session, we can discuss this further. We will work with you, follow your routine from home as you introduce new foods and offer support and guidance if needed.
Where do children eat their meals?
Each phase group either eats in their own room or in our main dining hall.
Do you have a Halal or Kosher options on your menus?
No, however we do offer vegetarian alternatives and can also adapt our menus for many allergy or dietary requirements, for example, dairy free or sugar free.
How will my child’s progress be tracked throughout nursery?
All children are observed and planned for through ‘next steps’. These observations are linked into the Early Years Outcomes/Development Matters, Characteristics of Effective Learning and the Leuven Scale of Well-being and Involvement and helps to build a picture of where each child is tracking in their development. Every child has a baseline assessment, typically within a few weeks of being at nursery, and then termly thereafter.
How often does Rainbow Day Nursery hold Parent / Carer evenings?
Parents and Carers can ask to speak to their child’s key worker at any time for an update and overview of their development. We currently offer a scheduled meeting with parents to discuss their child’s two-year-old assessments, as well as meetings through the year as children move through the nursery setting. Pre-school arrange a twilight parent / carer meeting to discuss the transition to school. Once a term, parents / carers are provided with a written update from the setting which has provision for the parent / carer to add any additional information from home.
My child has special educational needs and disability (SEND), can they still attend Rainbow Day Nursery?
Yes of course! We are a fully inclusive nursery and we pride ourselves on adapting our care to the individual needs of each child to give them the best support we can.
Do you have connections and relationships with surrounding schools?
Yes. We have longstanding relationships with most local primary schools so that your child’s transition into school is as smooth as possible. Reception Class Teachers are invited into Nursery to meet their future pupils and with your consent, we provide the information schools find most useful.
What is your Ofsted rating?
We are proud to have been recognised as GOOD by Ofsted in May 2024 read our report here:
How often are you inspected by Ofsted?
Ofsted aim to inspect nurseries every six years. The setting is given only half a day’s notice. They will also inspect if they receive a serious complaint, and then no notice is given.
Do you have CCTV in your nursery?
We do not currently have CCTV in the rooms, but we do have an access camera positioned on the front driveway for your child’s security. This does not cover child play areas.
How secure is the nursery?
Families can access our nursery via our doorbell entry system on the door. When the children are playing outside on the main play area, the gate is locked from the inside and access is gained by staff viewing who is at the gate before allowing access. Each child is signed in and out of the building by a staff member. When anyone different is collecting a child, the parent / carer will be asked to provide a password and prior photographic evidence or a detailed description of the adult collecting.
If you have any questions about our security arrangements, please speak to a member of the management team.
How often will my child go outside to play?
We aim to have all children outside throughout the day, all year round. As we treat all children as individuals there may be times when your little one does not wish to go outside, and this is always taken into consideration. During warmer weather children can access the outdoors whilst working around the hottest part of the day, if the weather is particularly hot. We will follow the appropriate sun protection guidance.
Do you go for trips/walks?
Yes, we have trips to Lymm Dam, shops, local library, Heritage Centre and main village. Staff also use the minibus to go further afield such as to the farm, the zoo, pumpkin farm, and the museum.
Do I need to pay a deposit/admin fee to secure my child’s place?
A non-refundable deposit payment of £150 will be required to secure your child’s place. £75 of this will be used as an administration fee and the remainder will be credited against the final invoice provided appropriate written notice is given.
How is my invoice calculated?
The number of sessions each child does per week is added together and then multiplied by 50 weeks (number of weeks we are open during the year) and is then divided by 12 to generate equal monthly payments.
Is there any family discount available if you have more than one child attending the nursery?
Yes. If you have siblings at nursery, the youngest sibling will have a 10% reduction in fees if they do three days or more or if their joint sessions equate to a full time place.
Do you offer funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds?
Yes, when applicable, please contact the office with any further enquiries. Alternatively, please visit the Government website Childcare Choices or this Warrington Council website.
How can I pay my childcare fees?
Fees are paid on the first of each month by direct debit. Bank transfers or card payments can be made for extra sessions.
Do you accept childcare vouchers?
Yes, we are registered with several childcare voucher companies, please contact the manager for more information.
Do you accept Tax Free Childcare payments?
Yes. Please contact the office for more information.
Who is your Data Protection Officer?
Our Director Alice Apel, is our Data Protection Officer and can be contacted via our Nursery Manager, Alison.
I would like to read your Nursery Policies. How can I do this?
Hard copies are available to read in Nursery. Please speak to Nursery Manager Alison for further information.